Assalam oalaikum,
Since time immemorial man has been curious to know about his future. We find that the history of fortune telling dates back more than 5000 years. In India Nadi astrology was written on palm leaves in ancient times whereas, in Europe, special soothsayers were hired to predict appropriate strategies for the kings. Chinese astrology is also quite ancient and it depends on astronomy and calendars. As such, the different civilizations of the world have developed their own methods of fortune telling since ancient times.
Palmistry, which is also known by other names such as palm reading, hand analysis, chiromancy and chirology, is also a form of fortune telling through an analysis of the lines and mounts of the hands. Besides, palmistry there is an exhaustive list of other forms of fortune telling also. It includes: crystallomancy or reading of a crystal sphere, dice throws, tea leaf reading, reading coffee grounds, card reading or cartomancy with playing cards, tarot cards, reading runes, domino reading, numerical tables, horoscope charts, reading bones, bibliomancy or consulting the Bible, dream books etc. Then we also find certain fortune telling methods which are based on a character analysis such as physiognomy or the analysis of facial characteristics, graphology or the analysis of handwriting and the phrenology, which is the study of the skull contours.
Now let us come back to our original topic of discussion, i.e. palmistry. Palmistry is also quite an ancient form of fortune telling, the origin of which can be traced back to the ancient Indian astrology and the Roma or gypsy astrologers. Those who practice this form of fortune telling are known as palm readers, chirologists, hand readers or palmists.
Palmistry is practiced all over the world with many cultural variations.
However, we being Muslims are not supposed to approve of just about anything, simply because it is widely practiced all over the world. First of all, we need to examine whether a particular widespread practice matches the standards set by the Holy Quran or if it is in conformity with the Holy Quran.
So if we look into palmistry in the light of the Holy Quran, we do not get any proof, as such, from the Holy Book which shows that palm reading is authentic. I have mentioned below a contradiction, which proofs that it is obligatory for every true Muslims to avoid all this rubbish, called palmistry.
As we know that palmistry involves a study or analysis of the lines and the mounts of the palm to know about a person’s past, present and the future.
However, Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“Every man’s fate We have fastened on his own neck: On the Day of Judgment We will bring out for him a scroll, which he will see spread open”. (TMQ-17:13)
According to this Quranic verse, Allah (swt) has tied the destiny of a person to his neck; (in one way or the other) and this will also be a record of all the worldly deeds of the person, which will be shown to him on the Doomsday. Science, as yet, has not advanced to the stage where it can decipher this particular gland, which incidentally also serves as a micro-chip which contains such vast information. However, over the years, many of the scientific truths mentioned in the Holy Quran have been proved by science. Allah willing, the fact about a person’s fate being located in the neck, will also be discovered by science one day.